Posts tagged Metaphysical
Episode 21 - NDE Limited Pod-Series: Forever Changed Part Two - Cassandra

Cassandra shares her miraculous Near Death Experience which she experienced during stage four cancer in December of 2020. This experience left her with full blown physical healing, cancer free and then some!

Episode #11 -Chaos and Laughter with Australia's Paranormal Investigating Duo, Anne and Renata

Anne and Renata, Australia's premiere paranormal investigating duo are here and filled with laughter and chaos! In this hilarious episode, the ladies discuss real life paranormal investigating all over the world. Wherever these two ladies go, laughter and joy surely aren't far behind.

Episode #7 A Conversation with Evidential Psychic Medium, Stacey Decea

Join us as we engage in an inspiring conversation about Stacey's journey toward her spiritual calling. The synchronicities that lined up for her, or those 'breadcrumbs' left by spirit leading her to the spiritual awareness within herself are so much fun to talk about! 

Stacey Decea, CSW, works as a medium in Mt. Kisco, New York. She works internationally reading for clients via Zoom and over the phone, as well as from her office at Turning Point Healing Arts and Education Center in Ridgefield, Connecticut. Since 2015, she has continued her advanced training with Janet Nohavec at the Journey Within Spiritualist Church and with many tutors from the prestigious Arthur Findlay College. Stacey is honored to have a listing at Bob Olsen’s Best Psychic Directory. Stacey offers individual and group readings, demonstrates, and serves as a medium at the Sunday Evening service at the Journey Within. She  teaches classes,  hosts circles, and offers a one on one mentorship program.