Posts tagged Britta Nicole
Episode 42 - Helping Parents Heal with Medium Britta Nicole

​Britta Nicole joins us this week with a beautiful conversation about her mediumship work with the incredible organization called Helping Parents Heal. Britta and I talk about the miraculous healing that takes place within this world wide organization whose intention is literally to help support parents heal who have lost children. Through evidential mediumship we are shown that our loved ones are still here with us and not missing out on our lives.

Helping Parents Heal is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting bereaved parents. Through support and resources offered, we aspire to help individuals become “Shining Light Parents”—meaning a shift from a state of emotional heaviness to one of hopefulness and greater peace of mind. HPH goes a step beyond other groups by allowing the open discussion of spiritual experiences and afterlife evidence—in a non-dogmatic way. HPH affiliate groups welcome everyone regardless of religious or non-religious background and encourage open dialog.